In honor of all mothers, this week we will be posting questions relating to motherhood. Post your answer and a daily random name will be drawn to win a complimentary book.
Depending on your season of motherhood, today's winner can choose between Growing Grateful Kids by Susie Larson or How to Really Love Your Adult Child by Gary Chapman & Ross Campbell, M.D.

There are many studies and articles that talk to parents about what their children need to hear from them. In the process of trying to nurture and love their children to the best of their abilities, the longings of many mothers' hearts get pushed to the side or neglected. What do you long to hear from your child or children?
Winner will be randomly pulled and announced 9 pm Central tonight. Come back for tomorrow's question for another chance at winning.
I have three kids. Two sons 21 & 22 (one is married and the other engaged) and then I have a daughter who's 10. I long for the closeness you have when they are small. The chattering they do and when you were their best friend. All of my kids are in such different places in their lives that sometimes mom doesn't fit in. My oldest son is so busy that I rarely hear from him. My youngest son is in the military, Army National Guard, headed for his two week drill in the Dominic Republic and then preparing for his tour in Afghanistan next year. My daughter, aww...I didn't know what I was getting into with a She seems to defy all that I say or argues me down. I haven't done anything different than I did with my sons but she is so much harder. I just long for the days that mom is really important in their lives again!!
ReplyDeleteI long to "hear" patience in my daughter...age 4. Really, I want both of my children to tell us of their love for God AND to show it in their know, patience, obedience, kindness, love.
ReplyDeleteMy son is 34, so he's gone through the teen/early 20's years that seem to take them from us for a while. I am blessed that he and I have a wonderful relationship, and can he can talk to me about anything. He is still dealing with the after affects of a heartbreaking divorce, losing the child he thought was his, but found out she belonged to someone else. I long to hear that he has finally put everything behind him and is again totally committed to the Lord. And the second thing....that he has found someone else to love and spend his life with.
ReplyDeleteIt's simple, really. "I love you MOM!"